Process documentation: step towards digitization

After a lot of energy has gone into analyzing and optimizing the company's processes, a part of process optimization that is often neglected is next: Process documentation.
But this task is much more important than one might think. Good process documentation not only visualizes the current workflows in a company, it is also the foundation for the continuous further development of business processes. Only lived processes are also optimal processes.

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Why document processes?

Corporate processes are not just theory, but are lived every day by all employees in a company. If you take on the work and carry out a project for process optimization, you should also record the results. On the one hand, this serves to make the elaborated processes centrally visible, on the other hand, all persons involved in a process should know how the workflow is to be handled. Of course, once processes have been defined, they are not set in stone. Process documentation must be maintained in the same way as all other documents. Only then can it be guaranteed that the processes that are actually lived are mapped.
Depending on the size of the company, it is advisable to appoint one or more process owners. These process owners are also responsible for the documentation.

Bringing processes to life

Many companies invest countless resources in process optimization projects. Optimal company processes are worked out there, theoretically found to be good and documented. Often, the connection to the employees who are supposed to execute these processes is missing. They find it difficult to accept required changes and do not carry them out. However, one thing is certain: "Only lived processes are also optimal processes." That's why it makes sense to involve the employees who are affected by a process change in the optimization measures as well. The documentation then maps the actual workflows.
Leave room for free decisions in the documentation. Especially for processes that are carried out by people and not machines. This makes the documentation less complex and easier to maintain.

Process documentation as an introduction for new employees

Well-structured process documentation is a perfect introduction for new employees. If they are given a "written" or digital overview of the working methods in their new department, this can only be an advantage. Especially when one is new to a company, a documented guide prevents unpleasant situations.
Documented processes for training measures, including equipment for the workstations, help both new employees and the people who train them.

Process documentation as an important step towards successful digitization.

Optimizing and documenting business processes costs a lot of resources and energy. It is important that both are lived and accepted. This ensures that business processes grow with the development of the company and dynamically adapt to new challenges. This must also apply to documentation. On the one hand, to support current employees with uncertainties, and on the other hand, to make it easier for new employees to get started in the company.